Five Ways to Improve your Style

Good day gents, today I’ll be discussing five easy ways to boost your style game, all without breaking the bank.

Keep Your Shirt Aligned

The first step to improving your style is super easy to miss but can destroy an outfit if overlooked. Keeping your shirt aligned with your trousers is something most men don’t think about, but people realise this and if your shirt is off centre, it might cause you to look sloppy and not well kept. So take that extra second in the morning (and throughout the day) to centre your shirt. You can look super sharp but missing this can bring your finished product down a notch.

well aligned shirt
Your shirt buttons should match your waistband button in the centre

Straighten Your Shirt Collar

When buying an Oxford shirt, try to look bit closer and see if your shirt has collar stays or stay slots. You can always get a tailor to insert these depending on the quality of the shirt. If you have a well fitting shirt, flip the collar and you should see two slots on the button end. Inside these slots on each side is where your collar stays go. Insert these and your collar should sit comfortably on your collar bone and not sag to one side or down. Most shirts come with either a plastic or cardboard collar stay, however, for a longer lasting stay, I recommend a magnetic one.

collar difference

Fix That Tie

The third tip is all about securing that professional look. Make sure that when you put your tie on that your knot is clean and to the top, and ensure that your tie is touching your waistband of your trousers. Making sure your tie is straight and the correct length makes you look proportionate and can even achieve the effect of coming across taller.

tie proportion
Too Short                            Perfect Length                              Too Long

Clean Your Shoes

The fourth point requires a little more care and work on your part, but the results can really give your finished look an ultra tight edge. Clean your shoes and keeping them free of dust and dirt marks ensures you’ll be presentable in any setting, with any look you decide to go for. I recommend investing in some polish and a shoe brush, for both leather lace-ups and casual trainers.

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Match Those Leathers

Last but not least, tip number five is making sure you match your leathers. This is a simple idea that so many guys seem to skip over. Remember, if you’re wearing dark brown leather shoes, you wouldn’t want to be walking around with a light tan belt. It simply looks off. Try to match any leather that you wear at any one time as close as possible, whether this is in black or shades of brown. An extra note is that a silver watch goes perfectly with both!

matching leathers
The PERFECT match!

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